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An interactive innovation and discernment workshop for your team to define the complexities of your challenge, prayerfully reflect together, and begin to design new approaches to the challenge before you. 

You and your team may face a number of complex challenges that call for creative and prayerful responses.  Our facilitators will walk alongside your team in a customized process, through which you might launch new ministry initiatives, adapt to rapidly shifting contexts, discern missiological responses to contextual situations, or make sense of systemic patterns and ways forward in your ministry context. Our hope is to foster a creative space for your team to engage with God as you prayerfully imagine and design emerging initiatives.

Time: 2-5 day intensive or 1-2 months of regular meetings

Divergence & Convergence:

These two ways of thinking shape much of the jumpstart innovation process.

In a jumpstart workshop your team will quickly explore the problem (divergence) and the synthesize understanding to better define the challenge (convergence).

From a place of prayerful reflection, you will then begin to consider how God might be leading you—what vision should we begin to move toward?

This imaginative posture continues into ideation and initial suggestions for prototypes (divergence), followed by prayerful group discernment to determine which ways you will faithfully move forward together (convergence).

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